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Princess Cinderella: Foot Care

You can play Princess Cinderella: Foot Care in your browser for free. Princess Cinderella leads a happy life after marrying a kind prince of her kind. She suffered a lot because of her step-mother and jealous step sisters. She has a get-to-gather on every week end with her friends. This came into practice since she got married and the focal point of the celebration is to unite the friends of her, at least once a week. The princess is in a different world. She didn`t even look down. Unfortunately there were many thorns and stones on the way. Since she didn`t notice them she got hurt. She is in a great pain now. Take her to your house which is very close by. Remove the thorns and the things that are in the foot of the princess. The celebration is cancelled due to the inconvenience of the princess. So you take your own time while treating the girl. Apply ointment and bandage to the foot of the loving princess. Wipe off the blood with the clean cloth. You are doing a great service to the nation by helping the princess of your nation.

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Princess Cinderella: Foot Care

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Princess Cinderella: Foot Care

You can play Princess Cinderella: Foot Care in your browser for free. Princess Cinderella leads a happy life after marrying a kind prince of her kind. She suffered a lot because of her step-mother and jealous step sisters. She has a get-to-gather on every week end with her friends. This came into practice since she got married and the focal point of the celebration is to unite the friends of her, at least once a week. The princess is in a different world. She didn`t even look down. Unfortunately there were many thorns and stones on the way. Since she didn`t notice them she got hurt. She is in a great pain now. Take her to your house which is very close by. Remove the thorns and the things that are in the foot of the princess. The celebration is cancelled due to the inconvenience of the princess. So you take your own time while treating the girl. Apply ointment and bandage to the foot of the loving princess. Wipe off the blood with the clean cloth. You are doing a great service to the nation by helping the princess of your nation.
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